Mason Place is a new 60-unit permanent supportive housing development in Fort Collins, CO. Formerly a movie theatre building, this community combines beautiful design, livability, and sustainability with comprehensive on-site supportive services to promote self-reliance for formerly homeless individuals and veterans. The property includes 60 fully furnished apartments, 100 percent focused on formerly homeless individuals earning less than 30 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI) and 10 units reserved for veterans with VASH vouchers. The trauma-informed design provides safety, comfort, privacy, and security to residents. Its prime location is pedestrian and bicycle friendly, close to a central transit corridor, and near grocery stores, healthcare, and restaurants. The high-density development (38 units/acre) is designed for health and sustainability with low-flow fixtures, energy efficient lighting, ENERGY STAR appliances, and low water landscaping -- in accordance with Enterprise Green Communities standards. Amenities include a laundry lounge on each floor, a medical room, indoor and outdoor community space, and dedicated office space for service providers. Mason Place won a Eagle Award in 2022 and was a 2021 AHF Readers' Choice Awards Finalist in the Special-Needs category. Housing Catalyst developed this community, and NEF invested nearly $12 million of LIHTC equity into this development.