National Equity Fund

NeighborWorks Capital Equity Fund

NeighborWorks Capital, a national non-profit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has partnered with National Equity Fund (NEF) to launch the NeighborWorks Capital Equity Fund. The first-of-its-kind equity fund will provide NeighborWorks America network organizations with a set of standardized, equitable Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) terms. The creation of this fund stems from NeighborWorks Capital’s desire to provide a group of high-performing community-based nonprofit organizations with access to equitable, consistent capital and NEF’s aligned mission.

More information:

Read the NeighborWorks Capital Equity Fund Press Release

Read the AHF Article on the Fund, "Leveling the Playing Field for Mission-Driven Nonprofit Developers"

Learn more about NeighborWorks Capital

FAQ's & More on the NeighborWorks Capital Equity Fund

Eastman Reserve

Rochester, NY | PathStone

Eastman Reserve
Landmark Place

Kingston, NY | RUPCO

Rupcolandmarkribboncuttingceremonybystellarfilms&Photography 17
Trellis @ Mission

Phoenix, AZ | Mission Housing, LLC

Trellis At Mission
Palm Terrace I

Lindsay, CA | Self Help Enterprises

Palm Terrace Lindsay Village I

for neighborworks network members, The fund will provide:

  • Efficient access to pre-negotiated investment agreements that offer the best available terms
  • Economies of scale and ease of execution
  • Protections against abuse, including assurances regarding exit terms at the end of the compliance period (Year 15) and prohibited actor language
  • Transparency on fee/load at the fund level
  • A platform through which NeighborWorks organizations can grow the benefits of the fund over time


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The NeighborWorks Network of developers collectively produces more multi-family units across the country than the top five (5) affordable housing developers in the industry combined as reported by Affordable Housing Finance in 2022. 

The goal of the NeighborWorks Capital Equity Fund is to open pathways to underrepresented developers so they can be successful in our field and build wealth for themselves and their communities.

NEF + NeighborWorks Network Portfolio Map

Click on a state below for more information on NEF and NeighborWorks Network projects as of December 31, 2023.



NEF + NeighborWorks Network projects
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